How long can the jam be stored?
Unopened the jam has a shelf life of three years (at a temperature between 5 and 30 degrees Celsius) from the production date. Because we produce on a small scale, the jam you receive will almost always have a shelf life of at least 2,5 years.
Once the jar is opened, the jam will keep for another 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Why don’t you make jam without sugar?
Because we don’t want to use artificial sweeteners (sorbitol, maltitol…), but with natural sweeteners (e.g. stevia) the jam has a short shelf life.
Which jams contain less sugar/are less sweet?
Apricot (20% sugar), Cherries and Cherries (33% sugar) contain less sugar. Apricot and Cherries are less sweet.
What is the ratio of fruit to sugar?
For most jams: 60% fruit, 40% sugar. Apricot, Cherries and Cherries contain less sugar.
Which jams are very sweet?
Quince, Cherries, Apple
Which jam contains no pieces?
Apricot, Apple, Quince, Rhubarb with Apricot, Red currant
Which jam contains no grains?
Apricot, Apple, Cherry, Cherry, Quince, Plum, Rhubarb with Apricot, Rhubarb with Apple, Redcurrant, Orange.
Do you also have jelly?
Yes, Apple, Quince and Redcurrant are jellies (that means they are made from juice and not whole fruit).
Do you also have marmalade?
Orange jam is similar to marmalade (with pieces of orange and lemon peel), but sweeter than marmalade.
Why don’t you make a jam with only strawberries?
Because strawberries do not thicken well and we prefer not to use a gelling agent.
Does your jam contain allergens?
Only sulphite (Apricot, Strawberry-Abris and Rhubarb-Abris). All jams are free of soy, gluten, milk and lactose.
What is the difference between Sour Cherries and Cherries?
Sour Cherries are less sweet.